Tuesday, March 29, 2011

20 questions with my son...

So, the guy I met on Friday, you know the one I really liked, well, I made plans to go out to dinner with him yesterday, which was Monday.  My Dad came over to watch Kyle for me.  I got ready and as I was leaving this was the conversation I had with my son:

Kyle, arms crossed, tapping his foot:  Where are you going?

Me:  Out to dinner.

K:  With who?

Me:  A friend.

K:  Is it a boy?

Me:  Yes.

K:  Is it a date?

Me:  Yes.  

K:  I knew it!  You don't make your hair puffy when you are going to the grocery store!

Me:  (Laughing)

K:  What's his name?

Me:  Don't worry about it!

K:  Do I get to meet him?

Me:  Maybe, someday.  We'll see.

K:  Do you really like him?  

Me:  Yes, so far.

K:  I know you do!  You must!

Me:  Um.....why do you say that?

K:  It's a school night!  Duh!

Me:  (Laughing) Yes, it is a school night.

K:  You never go out on school nights.

Me:  You're right, buddy.  Any more questions?

K:  Can I have a snack?

Nothing like getting grilled by a nine year old!  Sheesh!  My dad thought it was funny, too.  Of course, I had to tell my date about it.  He thought it was pretty funny, too.

After all that, I had a GREAT second date.  We had dinner at the Rusty Bucket and then he took me to Jeni's for some ice cream.  I love me some Jeni's!  I don't know how he knew this but, he definitely won some bonus points by taking me there.  Add one long (perfect) kiss goodnight and it was a very good night!  

We are planning on going out again on Saturday night.  I'm a little nervous about this because I invited him to an event where it is very likely that work people will be in attendance, too.  I warned him.  He still wants to go.  I can't wait to see him again.  (This scares me, just a little.)  He is fun, unassuming and easy to be around.  Not to mention, he is sweet and chivalrous.   

Update on the geek.  Total weirdo!  He had surgery yesterday and I was getting minute by minute text updates from his MOM!  From his Mom's number!  Seriously?  I'm glad he is doing ok, but really, texts from the mom?  I am really hoping he forgets about me soon!  

Red flags are for a REASON!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A typical Saturday night...

...and, here I am in a place I like to call Loserville.  My son is staying with his aunt, I'm off work and I have no plans.  It's just me and my dogs watching movies on demand, eating ice cream out of the carton and wishing that I had something a little more exciting to do.  I really should have cleaned my house and done some chores, but I relished in being lazy all day long.  I took a two hour nap and never once even thought of changing out of my pajamas.  I take it back, I don't want something more exciting to do--today was perfect.

Last night, I met someone new.  I like him and that's all I'm going to say.

I've decided that I am no longer going to deal with the geek.  Too annoying.  He called me 10 times last night.  Yes, TEN.  That's some psycho girl bullshit, right there.  He did it on purpose, too.  He knew I had other plans to go out and watch the basketball game, yet he left the need to call me that much.  I think it was his futile attempt at sabotage.  Good thing my phone was on silent or it may have worked.

The geek seems to be addicted to drama and himself and himself as the center of the drama.  I don't do drama.  He will call me and tell me about the problems he is having with one of his six sisters.  I give him advice and I am gentle about it and he will go and do the exact opposite and wonder why the situation blows up in his face.  And, then he wants to cry about it.  He sucks the energy out of me and I haven't even met him yet.  I don't think I am going to meet him.  No, that's a good idea.  I will not meet him face to face.

After the game I ended up hanging out with the cable guy for a while.  The geek continued to call and call and call.  Only, my phone was audible.  Good thing the cable guy doesn't care.  This time, the cable guy didn't scare me.  We talked about normal stuff, played with his kitten and watched Transformers 2.  I have come to the conclusion that he may have some serious self-esteem issues.  The cable guy, very obviously spends A LOT of time in the gym.  He has a lot of definition in his chest and stomach and he has the back dimples that I find completely irresistible, but he thinks he is fat.  No amount of compliments seem to help with his self image, either.  Seeing his insecurities also showed me how vulnerable he really is.  I'm not sure he meant to show me this and I'm not sure how I really feel about it. I wish I could pick his brain and figure out how he really thinks.  Maybe, this is why I am still wasting my time with him.  <shrug>

Oh, well.

The new guy.  I'm hopeful and I don't want to ruin it.  I'm going to take my time and see what happens.  It is so tempting to want to type everything I know about him because I am truly excited, but...I can't.  Or rather, I wont.

On a side note, a week from tomorrow I will be leaving for Chicago.  SPRING BREAK!  I am very excited.  My son has been begging me to go to Legoland and I am going to take him.  One of my dearest friends is going with us, so it is a guaranteed good time!

I've got a lot to look forward to!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weighing my options....

I took this past week of work to hang out with my brother, since he has been in town, but I haven't really got to hang with him that much.  I've been too busy being lazy and he has been too busy.  That's okay.  I NEVER complain about time off work.  Like I said, I've been lazy, which means I haven't done anything that I should have.  I have not cleaned, cooked, done laundry or updated here.

I have spent a considerable amount of time texting with The Geek.  Texting will only get you so far, though.

I ended up meeting the 99% match last Friday.  We met at a bar by my house.  He reminded me so much of my BROTHER.  Weird.  He was cute and easy to talk to.  I would definitely go out with him again.  I have sent him a few texts eluding to the fact that I want to hang out again.  He only responds sometimes.  I get it; he is just not that into me.  I'm okay with that, though.

I have to admit, I am starting to like the geek.  There is only one thing that -may- be a deal-breaker.  His voice.  He sounds like a whiny teenage girl--with a cold.  It is seriously obnoxious, however, I find myself really looking forward to his phone calls.   We have been talking for hours, yes, HOURS, every night.

We were supposed to meet on Wednesday, but that fell through and for good reason.  The geek is supposed to be having  major surgery.  Bad timing, no doubt.  Who knows when we will meet?  I don't have the slightest idea.

Here is why I really like him:  He is super funny.  How else would he keep me on the phone for hours with a super annoying voice?  He seems really sweet, family oriented (he has to be with 6 sisters....), a little wild, which translates into fun for me.

The geeks tells me about one of his sisters.  Apparently, she is having an affair with a married man and he is really upset by this.  So upset that he wants to disown his favorite sister and tell his parents so they can disown her, too.  I, hopefully, talked him out of doing something rash, but I can't be sure.  Just that he feels so strongly about this speaks volumes of his character.  I like this about him.

Today, during one of our many conversations, he asks me if I'm talking to/with any other guys.  I am reluctant to answer him because I just don't think that's a topic I should be discussing with my options.  Before I can give an honest answer, he interjects and says that he doesn't want me to wait for him after his surgery.  He tells me that he wants me to be happy and that he doesn't want me to miss out on anything.  Worst case scenario for his surgery is that he will be down and out for 8 weeks.  He tells me that it will be at least 3 months before he can have sex.  He makes me promise that we will be friends.

Now, I'm trying to read between the lines.  I think that he may just be getting really nervous about his surgery.  Or, maybe he really is trying to look out for my best interests.  I can't be sure.  I got the feeling like he doesn't think that I would wait around for him to get better.  Right now, I honestly don't know if I would.  We haven't even met yet.  I can tell you that if we do meet and I do like him, I would definitely wait for him to get better.  I think for now, friends is good.  We will eventually meet and see how that goes.  The thought occurred to me, what if I hang out with him, get to know him and really like him while he is getting better and then he ditches me?

I guess I shouldn't worry.  I'll just wait and see how everything plays out.  For now, I'm going to keep on keeping on.  I'm going to continue to talk and text with the geek, go out with 99%, and see what else is out there.

Poker night is next week.  I am REALLY doubtful that GC will call, text or make an appearance, but I said that last time.  Who knows?  This time, I may just ignore him.  I think I have enough options--thankyouverymuch!

Friday, March 18, 2011

After the failure....

It's been a good while since I updated this damn blog.  Two weeks.  A lot can happen in that time and a lot has happened in that time.  Here are just a few of the highlights:

GC admitted that he just wasn't that into me.  Saw that one coming....

I went to the Lady Gaga concert with a bunch of my girlfriends and then ended up spending the night with the cable guy.

I met the doctor for lunch.

I reactivated my okcupid profile and I found a couple of potential interests.

Exciting, huh?

The conversation with GC was through text, my favorite way to communicate.  I asked him on a date.  He was sick, but he really didn't want to go anyway.  I sensed this.  He told me he didn't know what "level of attachment" he could offer me.  I told him that I appreciated his honesty and let him have his out.  He was surprised that I didn't "take it personal and get psycho."  I wanted to tell him that being rejected by him was, by far, not the worst rejection that I have ever went through.  Come down off your high horse, prince charming!  I still feel like the thing with GC is not completely over.  I refuse to be his booty call, although, once I have had a few drinks that seems like the best idea ever.

The doctor.  I got his number from the nurse at work.  We start exchanging texts.  He seems like a nice enough guy.  I stalk him on facebook and find a picture.  Not bad from the picture.  Too bad there is no date on it.  Through text I ask him if he has anything going on that I might consider a "deal-breaker."  His response was something like this, "I don't have psychotic episodes very much anymore.  My doctor has me on a good blend of meds."  Initially, I think he is joking, so I dismiss this comment.  He made several other strange comments through text, but it's really hard to decipher intentions, tone and sarcasm through text, so I don't take any of the comments too seriously.

We meet for lunch at The Cap City diner.  I am excited about this because I have never been there before and I hear GREAT things about the place.  I am early.  He is late.  Not a dealbreaker, but really, on the first date?  He looks like his picture.  Not bad.  He does have a great body, however, I just don't feel that attracted to him.  He was easy enough to talk to.  He ended up taking some calls because he was on call, which is totally forgivable, considering his profession.  During lunch, the topic of drinking comes up.  I tell him that I drink socially.  He says that he never drinks because of the medicine he is on.  Hmmm, maybe he is on psych meds???  After we finished lunch, he walked me to my car and gave me an awkward hug.  I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but I wasn't feeling it.  On my way home, I got a text from him saying he couldn't wait to take me out again.  

Apparently, he told the guy that set us up that he really liked me and wanted take me out again.  I thought I would be willing to go out with him again.  Hey, maybe all the awkwardness was just because we had just met?  But, I haven't heard from him in well over a week now, so, I can guess that he is just not that into me, either.  I am not upset about that.

That very same night that I met the doctor, I went to a Lady Gaga concert.  I went with my girls and we had a great time.  I had a designated driver, so I cut loose and had way too much to drink.  We all know what happens...I texted the cable guy.  He told me he would wait up for me.   When I got to his place, he wanted to talk.  He told me he was going to try harder.  I didn't want to know what he was talking about, so I didn't ask.  He left it at that.  Apparently, he is trying harder at ignoring me, but that's ok.  This is how our "relationship" cycles.

Because of my epic failure at my attempt to detox from men, I went ahead and reactivated my OKcupid profile.  There are two that I have been exchanging text messages with.  The first is a self-proclaimed geek, with wash-board abs.  He also has 6, yes,  6, sisters!  (Intimidating.)  He hates OSU, which is not a deal breaker, as long as I am not required to convert.  So, for the purpose of this blog, he will now be referred to as "the Geek."  The other is one that okcupid deems my 99% match.  I figure, what the hell, 99%, might as well see what happens.  He has one sister and he likes the Buckeyes.  Only con so far, is that he wear earrings in both ears.  I hate it when guys wear more jewelry than me.  But, with 99% chance of compatibility, that may be the 1% right there.

The Geek.  He is 36.  SIX sisters.  Did I mention this was intimidating?  This guy probably wonders why he is still single....DUH, you sisters probably scare all of your potential girlfriends away!  Being a woman, I know how catty we can be.  He is also the only boy in his family.  I should not be worried about this at this point.  So, I wont.

The geek has inadvertently sent me some texts that were clearly not intended for me.  The first one said this, "Well, there are 3.  Two from okcupid and one that I always keep around for plan b."  Wow.  He just let me know that I'm in the running for plan a.  Good to know.  He apologizes profusely for this.  I don't care.  Little does he know that he is competing with like 5 guys, at least.  The next text that clearly wasn't intended for me  said, "I pooped 3 times today."  I replied, "I hope you have baby wipes."  Again, he apologizes, but I think it is really funny that I get those texts.  He seems to be relieved that I don't take it too seriously.  I am really looking forward to meeting this guy, even if he does poop 3x a day and have two back up plans.

The 99% match.  What can I say.  He is horrible at text conversations.  He always responds with one word answers.  I'm going to meet him, but I have no clue when.  Hopefully, soon.  I hate wasting time with people just to meet and find out that I have wasted my time.

I have decided that instead of detoxing from men, I am going to meet as many as possible with the hopes of meeting someone worth a second date.  I'm not going to lower my standards, however, I am going to meet some guys that I would normally dismiss by reading their profile.  You never know.  That is how I met RR.

So, there is my detailed update of the past two weeks.  I promise to update more frequently, unless I don't.  I get busy.  I forget.  Sometimes, I don't know if its even worth updating anymore.  If nothing else, it is a good place for me to vent.  I have found that it really does help me sort out all of my thought and feelings.

Here is the part where I tell YOU to stay tuned to see what crazy, retarded thing I do next.  We all know it's coming....

Friday, March 4, 2011


I am in the midst of a pity party.  Care to join me?

Today, I get an email from my son's teacher.  He told me how Kyle got a 100% on a test and he was the only kid in the class to do so.  Because Kyle had been struggling so much, he praised him greatly, to encourage him to keep doing his best and to show him that he can do well when he applies himself.  One problem, Kyle cheated on the test.  GRRRR! 

I read the email and gave Kyle no indication that I knew what he had done.  I asked him what happened at school.  He refused to tell me.  He just cried instead.  Finally, I confronted him.  He cried some more.  He is now grounded.  For a week.  No privileges, including no TV, no video games, no Legos, no fun, no smiling, and no daydreaming.  In all seriousness, he is in deep trouble. 

Its times like this when I hate being a single parent.  HATE it!  Today, has been especially bad.  I've cried at the injustice of having to raise my son by myself.  My ex was, by far, the better parent.  Me, I'll do in a pinch, but poor Kyle; he is stuck with me. 

It's also times like this that make me wish I had a good male role model for him.  Yes, he has his uncles and his grandpa, but he is missing that male figure at home.  Someone to teach him how to do guy stuff, like, you know, guy stuff.  All the stuff that guys do that I don't even know what it is because it is guy stuff.  He needs that like I need someone who will take him on like his own son.  And, I'm going to hold my breath and wait for it to happen.  I can dream, right?

To keep up with the theme of this blog, dating hasn't been going to well for me either.  Maybe, I really did need the detox.  Maybe, I'm just toxic. 

GC is back to the same old, same old, wishy-washy stuff.  I have sent several texts; sometimes he replies and sometimes he doesn't.  I asked him out on a date.  I wanted to be unequivocal about my intentions.  I DON'T want him to be just a booty call.  He said he had tentative plans and asked about the movie time.  Then yesterday, I tried to bribe him to come over.  I used my secret weapon:  my baking skills.  I made a decadent chocolate cake and sent him a picture of it.  He tells me he is sick and needs to rest.  He wont be coming over and we probably won't be going on a date Saturday.  Jokingly, I ask him if we can "re-do" last Thursday night-Friday morning.  He says that he is sure that can be arranged.  Of course it can. 

GC and I have been talking since Christmas.  We are going on three months.  I'm beginning to think that I have been PLENTY patient with him.  He swears that he is interested, its just the timing.  A wise woman once told me that three things are needed to make a relationship work:  the right time, the right person, and the right situation.  If one of those things is lacking, then it isn't going to work.  It seems to be the case in this case.  Damn timing. 

I honestly don't know what to do anymore.  Be patient?  Yeah, cause that's working out really well for me.  Or, maybe, it's time for a little reality check.  Maybe, I will (subtly) let him know that I'm going to go out with someone else, or just let him think that, and see what happens.  Either way, I get an answer.  I will know whether to move on or I will have to.  Or, I could just hang in there.  Or, I could try to talk to him about it, if and when I ever get the chance to do it face to face.  Or, I could just wait for him to initiate contact.  I would definitely NOT hold my breath waiting on that to happen.

I'm thinking it may be time to meet this doctor.  I'm a little scared.  Might have to bring my Taser to the initial face to face.  Doctors can be creepy.  I guess I could just get his number and give him a call....

In case you haven't figured this out yet, I'm extremely impulsive.  Who knows what I'll do next?