Tuesday, March 29, 2011

20 questions with my son...

So, the guy I met on Friday, you know the one I really liked, well, I made plans to go out to dinner with him yesterday, which was Monday.  My Dad came over to watch Kyle for me.  I got ready and as I was leaving this was the conversation I had with my son:

Kyle, arms crossed, tapping his foot:  Where are you going?

Me:  Out to dinner.

K:  With who?

Me:  A friend.

K:  Is it a boy?

Me:  Yes.

K:  Is it a date?

Me:  Yes.  

K:  I knew it!  You don't make your hair puffy when you are going to the grocery store!

Me:  (Laughing)

K:  What's his name?

Me:  Don't worry about it!

K:  Do I get to meet him?

Me:  Maybe, someday.  We'll see.

K:  Do you really like him?  

Me:  Yes, so far.

K:  I know you do!  You must!

Me:  Um.....why do you say that?

K:  It's a school night!  Duh!

Me:  (Laughing) Yes, it is a school night.

K:  You never go out on school nights.

Me:  You're right, buddy.  Any more questions?

K:  Can I have a snack?

Nothing like getting grilled by a nine year old!  Sheesh!  My dad thought it was funny, too.  Of course, I had to tell my date about it.  He thought it was pretty funny, too.

After all that, I had a GREAT second date.  We had dinner at the Rusty Bucket and then he took me to Jeni's for some ice cream.  I love me some Jeni's!  I don't know how he knew this but, he definitely won some bonus points by taking me there.  Add one long (perfect) kiss goodnight and it was a very good night!  

We are planning on going out again on Saturday night.  I'm a little nervous about this because I invited him to an event where it is very likely that work people will be in attendance, too.  I warned him.  He still wants to go.  I can't wait to see him again.  (This scares me, just a little.)  He is fun, unassuming and easy to be around.  Not to mention, he is sweet and chivalrous.   

Update on the geek.  Total weirdo!  He had surgery yesterday and I was getting minute by minute text updates from his MOM!  From his Mom's number!  Seriously?  I'm glad he is doing ok, but really, texts from the mom?  I am really hoping he forgets about me soon!  

Red flags are for a REASON!


  1. Glad to hear you never met the geek, I think it's time to change his nickname to the creep! I seriously LOVE your blog, you make dating seem so fun and interesting. (Which makes being married seem so boring!)

  2. Okay. so it's been 2 1/2 months...definitely time for a new post! Who cares if you're no longer detoxing??
