Saturday, March 26, 2011

A typical Saturday night...

...and, here I am in a place I like to call Loserville.  My son is staying with his aunt, I'm off work and I have no plans.  It's just me and my dogs watching movies on demand, eating ice cream out of the carton and wishing that I had something a little more exciting to do.  I really should have cleaned my house and done some chores, but I relished in being lazy all day long.  I took a two hour nap and never once even thought of changing out of my pajamas.  I take it back, I don't want something more exciting to do--today was perfect.

Last night, I met someone new.  I like him and that's all I'm going to say.

I've decided that I am no longer going to deal with the geek.  Too annoying.  He called me 10 times last night.  Yes, TEN.  That's some psycho girl bullshit, right there.  He did it on purpose, too.  He knew I had other plans to go out and watch the basketball game, yet he left the need to call me that much.  I think it was his futile attempt at sabotage.  Good thing my phone was on silent or it may have worked.

The geek seems to be addicted to drama and himself and himself as the center of the drama.  I don't do drama.  He will call me and tell me about the problems he is having with one of his six sisters.  I give him advice and I am gentle about it and he will go and do the exact opposite and wonder why the situation blows up in his face.  And, then he wants to cry about it.  He sucks the energy out of me and I haven't even met him yet.  I don't think I am going to meet him.  No, that's a good idea.  I will not meet him face to face.

After the game I ended up hanging out with the cable guy for a while.  The geek continued to call and call and call.  Only, my phone was audible.  Good thing the cable guy doesn't care.  This time, the cable guy didn't scare me.  We talked about normal stuff, played with his kitten and watched Transformers 2.  I have come to the conclusion that he may have some serious self-esteem issues.  The cable guy, very obviously spends A LOT of time in the gym.  He has a lot of definition in his chest and stomach and he has the back dimples that I find completely irresistible, but he thinks he is fat.  No amount of compliments seem to help with his self image, either.  Seeing his insecurities also showed me how vulnerable he really is.  I'm not sure he meant to show me this and I'm not sure how I really feel about it. I wish I could pick his brain and figure out how he really thinks.  Maybe, this is why I am still wasting my time with him.  <shrug>

Oh, well.

The new guy.  I'm hopeful and I don't want to ruin it.  I'm going to take my time and see what happens.  It is so tempting to want to type everything I know about him because I am truly excited, but...I can't.  Or rather, I wont.

On a side note, a week from tomorrow I will be leaving for Chicago.  SPRING BREAK!  I am very excited.  My son has been begging me to go to Legoland and I am going to take him.  One of my dearest friends is going with us, so it is a guaranteed good time!

I've got a lot to look forward to!

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