Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weighing my options....

I took this past week of work to hang out with my brother, since he has been in town, but I haven't really got to hang with him that much.  I've been too busy being lazy and he has been too busy.  That's okay.  I NEVER complain about time off work.  Like I said, I've been lazy, which means I haven't done anything that I should have.  I have not cleaned, cooked, done laundry or updated here.

I have spent a considerable amount of time texting with The Geek.  Texting will only get you so far, though.

I ended up meeting the 99% match last Friday.  We met at a bar by my house.  He reminded me so much of my BROTHER.  Weird.  He was cute and easy to talk to.  I would definitely go out with him again.  I have sent him a few texts eluding to the fact that I want to hang out again.  He only responds sometimes.  I get it; he is just not that into me.  I'm okay with that, though.

I have to admit, I am starting to like the geek.  There is only one thing that -may- be a deal-breaker.  His voice.  He sounds like a whiny teenage girl--with a cold.  It is seriously obnoxious, however, I find myself really looking forward to his phone calls.   We have been talking for hours, yes, HOURS, every night.

We were supposed to meet on Wednesday, but that fell through and for good reason.  The geek is supposed to be having  major surgery.  Bad timing, no doubt.  Who knows when we will meet?  I don't have the slightest idea.

Here is why I really like him:  He is super funny.  How else would he keep me on the phone for hours with a super annoying voice?  He seems really sweet, family oriented (he has to be with 6 sisters....), a little wild, which translates into fun for me.

The geeks tells me about one of his sisters.  Apparently, she is having an affair with a married man and he is really upset by this.  So upset that he wants to disown his favorite sister and tell his parents so they can disown her, too.  I, hopefully, talked him out of doing something rash, but I can't be sure.  Just that he feels so strongly about this speaks volumes of his character.  I like this about him.

Today, during one of our many conversations, he asks me if I'm talking to/with any other guys.  I am reluctant to answer him because I just don't think that's a topic I should be discussing with my options.  Before I can give an honest answer, he interjects and says that he doesn't want me to wait for him after his surgery.  He tells me that he wants me to be happy and that he doesn't want me to miss out on anything.  Worst case scenario for his surgery is that he will be down and out for 8 weeks.  He tells me that it will be at least 3 months before he can have sex.  He makes me promise that we will be friends.

Now, I'm trying to read between the lines.  I think that he may just be getting really nervous about his surgery.  Or, maybe he really is trying to look out for my best interests.  I can't be sure.  I got the feeling like he doesn't think that I would wait around for him to get better.  Right now, I honestly don't know if I would.  We haven't even met yet.  I can tell you that if we do meet and I do like him, I would definitely wait for him to get better.  I think for now, friends is good.  We will eventually meet and see how that goes.  The thought occurred to me, what if I hang out with him, get to know him and really like him while he is getting better and then he ditches me?

I guess I shouldn't worry.  I'll just wait and see how everything plays out.  For now, I'm going to keep on keeping on.  I'm going to continue to talk and text with the geek, go out with 99%, and see what else is out there.

Poker night is next week.  I am REALLY doubtful that GC will call, text or make an appearance, but I said that last time.  Who knows?  This time, I may just ignore him.  I think I have enough options--thankyouverymuch!

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