Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day #3

I took today off work to clean and run errands, but I spent most of it in bed, feeling under the weather.  My throat hurts, I'm sinusy and my eyes feel like I have been crying all day.  Despite my maladies, I managed to get most of my errands and cleaning done.  I came into my office to de-clutter it, but felt the urge to blog instead. 

Tomorrow is my monthly Girls' Poker Night.  It's where a bunch of us girls from work get together, eat, drink, play some cards and have a damn good time.  No boys allowed. 

Now, before I started my detox, I had inadvertently invited the cable guy.  Honest mistake.  I had gotten a new phone the previous day and while texting a girlfriend, he had sent me a message.  So, he got the text that was meant for my girlfriend that said, "Poker on the 24th!  My house.  You in?"  His reply was that he would take Friday off to be there.  What had I done?  Never mind the detox, boys are not allowed at Poker Night, unless you are GC, but that's different, he just makes an appearance for food.  I uninvited the cable guy.  I may have hurt his feelings, but it wasn't my intention, so I really don't care.

I am nervous about GC showing up for Poker Night.  I want him to show up and I don't want him to show up all at the same time.  My friends insist that he is going to show up, because he knows it's going on.  I am pretending to be convinced that his lack of communication means he is lacking interest as well.  We shall see.  I can only hope I am right about this one, but I want so badly to be wrong. 

I want to say it was 4-5 years ago when GC and I were first introduced.  A mutual friend introduced us.  One night after work, we met up at Rooster's had some wings and beers.  We decided that we were interested enough to go out again on our own.  We did.  A few times, actually.  There was usually alcohol involved.  No sex, but a lot of making out. 

The we decided on a real date, like a movie.  I can't remember if he insisted on it, or I did, but either way, we agreed on a "real" date.  That was a good idea, but his work kept him late and we ended up missing the movie time.  Rather than a rain check, he invited me to watch a movie at his place.  I met him there when he got home from work.  He lived in a split level ranch, very similar to my parents house.  Upon entering his home, I noticed that every flat surface was covered with aluminum foil.  Weird, right?  He explained that his parents were staying with him.  He gave me a reason, but now, I can't remember what it was.  Anyway, he said that his mom puts the foil down to keep the pets, from getting on the couch, the table, and the counter tops.  Weird, but whatever.  I could careless about aluminum foil. 

I'll never forget what movie we watched.  Hitch, with Will Smith.  I don't remember ever really watching the movie, but it was playing in the background.  As I said before, he lived in a split level ranch.  So, when we sat on the couch and faced the TV, we could see the stairs going up, to what I assumed, bedrooms and a bathroom.  We were tangled up in each other, completely oblivious to the movie that was playing, until the hallway light came on upstairs.  We snapped apart like two magnets and sat on opposite ends of the couch. 

What I am about to tell you may very well be this man's most embarrassing moment.  That is precisely what makes it one of the most unforgettable dates that I have ever had. 

So, the light came on, and his dad,wearing only white boxer shorts, shuffles into the bathroom.  He, thankfully, shuts the door.  For the next twenty minutes, we can hear every grunt, fart, and explosive noise coming from that bathroom.  At one point, GC coughs, in attempt to cover up the noise coming from upstairs.  I don't say anything.  I want so badly to make a joke, but I can tell that GC is humiliated.  I know at this very moment in time that GC will never call me again.  I know that he is too embarrassed to ever talk to me again.  I was right.  After that night, it was a long time before I ever heard from him.

This may seem weird to some, but GC worked with my ex-husband.  I actually remember having a conversation with my ex about him.  I asked the generic, "So what do you know about so-and-so?"  My ex's reponse was, "He is a good dude.  Good Police."  That seemed to satisfy my curiosity at that time.  My ex came to me a week later and surprised me.  He said, "I really like GC for you.  I hope it works."  He was sincere.  I told him about our last date and we laughed.  I made my ex promise not to say anything to him. 

The next time I saw GC was at my ex-husband's funeral.  He hugged me and shook my son's hand.  He cried.  I cried.  He called me the next week and told me that if I ever needed anything that he would be there.  I appreciated the thought and gesture.  I told him what I told everyone else at the time, "Just pray for us."

Some years go by and I forget about GC.  Then, several months ago, the mutual friend that introduced us mentioned that he and GC went out and they were talking about me.  He told me that GC regretted never getting to know me....blah, blah, blah.  At the time, I was with Cesspool, but not completely happy.  This intrigued me, but I didn't really want to act on it.  I didn't, but I thought about it.  Then Christmas happened.

So, that's it.  I've seen him twice since Christmas.  Not serious.  Not that interested.  But, he exists here because I like him.  Because, I want him to be serious and interested and both at the same time.  Realisticly, that is not going to happen, but we will see if he does happen to stop by tomorrow night.

On a side note, I have been invited to attend a party on Friday night.  As a "wingwoman."  Let me just say, I am an awesome wing-woman, but I'm not sure I want to go.  My friend that invited me will be the only person there that I know and I'm not sure that I am far enough along into my detox to be comfortable in that social setting.  Maybe that doesn't have anything to do with the dating detox.  I haven't decided yet.  I like to have options, but not too many options.  That can get overwhelming. 

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