Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day: it doesn't matter because I failed.

That's right.  I failed.

Poker night started at 7:00 PM and by 9:00 PM, I had texted the cable guy.  I guess while typing the previous blog entry, I got all nostalgic and wanted some answers to all of the questions I had.  Even in my intoxicated state, I realized, I mean really realized that that guy is BAD news.  Yeah, he's cute.  Yeah, he's fun.  However, he is unreliable and unresponsive.  I am way to good for that, no matter how damn cute he is.  Thankyouverymuch.

Poker night was a blast.  Only one spill and no broken bottles this time.  I had far too many margaritas and I lost my money.  But, it's not really about the money.  It's about getting some girls together, having a few drinks and most importantly, having a good time.  I knew I should have put my phone in the vault for the night, but, stupid me, I didn't.

Right about the time when us girls were wrapping up the poker party, I get a text from GC.  He wanted to know if we were still playing poker.  I couldn't resist.  I invited him over.  He said he would be there in his pajamas.  I was rather excited about that.  He got to my place just before everyone left.  He always greets all my friends and dotes  on my dogs.

GC gets introduced to one of my dearest friends after everyone else leaves.  The three of us sit at the table and talk about guns, rather, the two of them talk about guns.  He talks her into staying at my place because she had been drinking.  I make us a couple of drinks and we sit and talk some more.  (My friend made it a point to tell me the next day that she likes GC and she thinks I should keep him.)

I made a bed in the guest room for my friend and came back downstairs to spend some one-on-one time with GC.  I made us some more drinks and we decide to watch a movie.  Due date.  We barely watched the movie.  It was much more fun to make out.  I had forgotten what a good kisser he had been in the past.  We had always seemed to have a lot of chemistry and it had not dissipated, thankfully.

I don't regret anything that happened that night, but I am a worrier.  I worry if things happened to fast.  (We only got introduced 5 years ago...)  I worry that he regrets it.  I worry that I suck.  I worry that I gave him the wrong impression of what I really want.  I worry that that might be the last time that we hang out.  I worry.  It's just what I do.

So, at work today, I talk to his friend that introduced us.  His best friend.  I don't give him any details about what happened at poker night.  I just mention that he came over and we hung out and watched a movie.  All very true, without all the juicy details.  His friend is very happy about this. He is reassuring.  I still have my concerns.  His friend reassures me that GC flakes out sometimes and that's just the way that he is.  OK, I guess.  He tells me to be patient and everything will work out.  In a good way.

 Patience is a virtue.  It's not one that God granted me.

In all seriousness, talking to his friend did me some good, but it doesn't keep me from worrying.

On a side note, the co-worker that wants to introduce me to that doctor approaches me again.  He said that he told the doctor about me AND my dating detox.  The doctor is very interested.  I think I am going to give GC a few weeks to see what happens.  If he is being all weird and shit, like guys do, then I am going to go ahead and meet the doctor.  If GC makes good effort, then I won't bother with the doctor.

I am hoping that GC doesn't wait til next poker night to contact me.  I'm going to take a chance the next time we hang out.  Hopefully, that's sooner rather than later, but we shall see....

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